One the the volunteer programs was mentioned on the adelle davis website. Patrica Brag and Eloise Dilling have been supporting the Teen Culinary Arts Program for a very long time.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Foundation Honored by the Parks and Recreation Commission
On March 28th, 2012 it was our day to be honored by the Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation for our annual support of the “Healthy Options for Youth Teen Culinary Arts Program. Patrica Bragg Accepting Award Video
Local Teens learn to Cook and Cater in Culinary Arts program
SANTA BARBARA, CA – 5/4/2012 – Junior and senior high school students wanting to know more about becoming a chef , caterer or being a better cook, can learn basic skills in the City Parks and Recreation Department’s Teen Culinary Arts program, now in its third year.
Classes run from January 9-March 29, 2012at two locations: on Tuesdays at theWestsideCommunity Center,423 W. Victoria Street, led by Chefs Ian Trenwith and Don Hardin from Jolly Bro’s Catering and on Wednesdays at theFranklinNeighborhoodCenter,1136 E. Montecito Street, led by Chef Ernie Price, from Ernie Price Catering. Hours are from3:45-6:00pm
The teens learn basic vocational training as well as team building, leadership development, work experience preparation and community service. The hands-on program teaches them to make meals from scratch using kitchen tools and supplies. The curriculum covers bread and pasta making, sauce and dressing preparation, appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Guest professionals provide training in the art of napkin folding, floral arrangement, table setting, cake decorating, and ice sculpting. The program also includes field trips to food service companies and businesses.
The program is offered through the Neighborhood and Outreach Services section and is free due to the generous donations of the Adelle Davis Foundation and Bragg Health Foundation. The program is also supported by Whole Foods Market, which provides healthy organic fruits and vegetables for the classes.
Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Commission Honor
Gabe Dominocielo and I started by going to the Bragg Organic Farm to pick up Patricia Bragg who was also being honored. After a brief tour we took off for City Hall.
SB Parks and Recreation holds their meeting at City Hall and is also on Public TV.
Atfour o’clockwe were introduced by Anita Ho and Patricia Bragg was the first to get her award. She gave a lengthy talk and then it was my turn. I kept it short and sweet.
We were so honored and proud at the results this program has provided.
After the ceremony we all jumped in the car and Patricia took us to Los Agaves on Milpas Street for a celebratory early dinner. It was delicious and very enjoyable.
Afterwards, I dropped off Gabe Dominocielo and Anita Ho and then proceeded to take Patricia back to the farm.
Patricia was so pleased to share the experience with myself due to the years she worked with my father.
We hope to coordinate more healthy events in the future.
What a great day!!!
Eloise Dilling