Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Celebration Needs Volunteers
Volunteers are needed to work the Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Celebration’s three day event. The celebration will run in June closest to Summer Solstice in Alameda Park, 1400 Santa Barbara St.
Volunteers are especially needed from 2:30 to 6 p.m. on Saturday to help sell Solstice T-shirts, posters and hats.
Parade monitors also are needed, along with float pushers. The floats are not motorized. The Solstice parade will start at noon at State and Cota streets and conclude in Alameda Park.
Green Team volunteers are needed after the parade to clean up for two weeks after the parade. Volunteers can come by any time to help dismantle parade floats at the Solstice workshop, 631 Garden St.
To volunteer, call 805.965.5535 or email
— Anita Dominocielo-Ho is the volunteer coordinator for the Summer Solstice Celebration.